Dept. of Optics and Optical Engineering
Department of Optics and Optical Engineering was founded in September 2009. With two specialties of Optics and Optical Engineering available for students to major in, the department strives to provide first-class training that covers a broad range of subjects from Optics theory to engineering application. Presently, the department's Optics program, which grants Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees,is a key academic program certified by the Ministry of Education.
The department also houses two nationally renowned research centers, Key Laboratory of Quantum Information of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Key Laboratory of Photonic Science and Technology of Anhui Province.
Key Laboratory of Quantum Information of Chinese Academy of Sciences focuses on basic and applied basic research in quantum cryptography and quantum computing. As a team, its members have won the second-class National Natural Science Award and first-class Anhui Province Natural Science Award. Members' research subjects include quantum cryptography and its application, quantum computing and its realization, quantum information theory, etc.
Key Laboratory of Photonic Science and Technology of Anhui Province performs basic,applied basic and high-Tech research in photonics. It has made significant progress in studies of micro and nano optics, biophotonics, fiber optics and optical devices. Research work in the lab has produced intellectual property important for the commercialization of photonics high technologies.The department has 40 faculty members, including 16 professors and 19 associate professors. Among them, 2 are fellows of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, one is winner of the "Outstanding Young Scientist" award of the National Natural Science Foundation, 3 are winners of the "100-Talent" award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and 14 are PhD mentors. Research in the department is supported by the national 973 and 863 projects, Innovation funds from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, and other prestigious research funds. The department's research programs are among the top in Chinese universities in the field of optics.