2013 Top Ten Scientific Research of School of Physical Sciences, USTC[2014-02-13]
Atomic-scale Structure Analysis of Single Nuclear Spin Clusters using Magnetic Resonance[2013-12-12]
The First Sino-Americas Workshop and School on the Bound-State Problem in Continuum QCD[2013-10-31]
QDiamond 2013: Workshop on Quantum Information using NV centers in Diamond Successfully Held[2013-10-30]
USTC Unveils the First Quantum Memory that Records the Orbital Angular Momentum of a Single Photon[2013-10-15]
First China-Germany Solid State Quantum Information Bilateral Symposium Held[2013-10-10]
A Successful Closing for SUM 2013:Students Poster Presentation[2013-09-22]
Achieving Sensitive Phase Estimation with White Light[2013-08-02]
The Closing Ceremony for FPISC[2013-07-17]
The fifth workshop on hadron physics in China and Opportunities in US[2013-07-12]
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