- Prof. Gary S. Varner visits Technologies of Particle Detection&Electronics Laboratory[2011-07-05]
- Two of our research enlisted among 2010 Top Ten Scientific Achievements of China[2011-07-05]
- China's Great (Quantum) Leap--from TIME[2011-07-05]
- 2010 USTC international Workshop of RFP held successfully[2011-07-05]
- Our alumni Won 2010"Big Ben Award for Ten Outstanding Chinese Young Persons in The USA”[2011-07-05]
- 4 USTC alumni newly elected APS Fellow 2010[2011-07-05]
- Our Further Performance on The National Natural Science Foundation of China[2011-07-05]
- Director of Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory visits USTC[2011-07-05]
- NIKHEF expert visit Center for Particle Physics and Technology[2011-07-05]
- STAR experts visit Center for Particle Physics and Technology[2011-07-05]
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