Data teleportation: The quantum space race[2012-12-13]
Library Orienteering Activities held Successfully[2012-12-13]
Eight Alumni of USTC Gain APS Fellowsship[2012-12-13]
iGEM: USTC Software Won the Gold Medal and the Best Software Tools Award[2012-12-06]
Architecture design and model experiment of Central Control System for FAST Telescope has been accom...[2012-12-05]
How to "write" nanodevice directly on graphene oxide with AFM tip?[2012-12-03]
Dr. ZHOU Dazhuang Visits Alma Mater[2012-12-03]
SESS-SM United Won Goddess Cup[2012-11-12]
Goddess of Basketball: Goddess Cup Kick Off[2012-10-29]
USTC_Marine Seize Gold of 37th ACM-ICPC Asia division[2012-10-25]
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