iGEM: USTC Software Won the Gold Medal and the Best Software...[2012-12-06]
on Nov. 5 EST, iGEM(International Genetically Engineered Machine)2012, a competition conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, closed at Kresge Auditorium in MIT campus. It is the second time that USTC Software won the highest award in Software Tools Track. Winning the award in Software Tools this year, USTC Software has become the only team in the Asia which won Best Software Tools ... -
Architecture design and model experiment of Central Control ...[2012-12-05]
Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) is a Chinese mega-science project to build the largest single dish radio telescope in the world as shown in Fig.1. FAST is an Arecibo-type antenna with three outstanding aspects: the karst depression used as the site, which is large to host the 500-meter telescope and deep to allow a zenith angle of 40 degrees; the active main reflector ... -
Grade 2012 Freshman Meet Dean and Secretary of School of Phy...[2012-08-29]
On August 27th, freshmen from the Class of 2012 attended a face-to-face activity with the Dean and Secretary of the School of Physics in Room 5304 of Teaching Building 5.The activity is hosted by ZHANG Zhengming, supervisor of student activities for the School of Physics, who first introduced the theme and schedule of the activity. The introduction was followed by a speech by Pro. YE Bangjiao... -
Graduate Admission Activities & 2012 Summer Camp for Excelle...[2012-07-25]
In the evening of July 12th, around 700 audiences gathered in west school hall, enjoying a show which was totally directed and acted by students of summer camp to celebrate the graduate admission activities & 2012 Summer Camp for excellent students ended. width=500 height=333 OLDSRC=/_upload/article/204/07/fe/7051bffc4acca00ba79554e633d4/W020120724016655727527.jpg> _fcksavedurl="/webpic/W02012...