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    • Dept. of Modern Physics Open to the Public in Science and Technology Activity Week

    • [2013-05-29]
    • On May 18th and 19th , to respond to the theme of Scientific and Technological Activity Week this year in USTC---‘scientific & technological innovation, pleasant life’, laboratories were opened to the public including Dept. of Modern Physics Open to Outside in Science and Technology Activity Week, State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics and Collaborative Innovative Center of Elementary Particles and Interactions.

      A visiting pupil was registering. /Image by LI Longke.

      The Opening Day includes three parts: video lectures, panel science popularization & laboratory tours and prize quiz. With the joint efforts of more than 30 volunteers and dozens of teachers from Modern physics, a great many students from primary and secondary schools have obtained a broad understanding of the research fields of the state key laboratory and collaborative innovative center as well as the frontiers knowledge of related disciplines.

      Ongoing video lectures/Image by LI Longke.

      Prof. TANG Zebo was delivering a video lecture to the visitors. /Image by LI Longke.

      Based on the experimental fields and directions, there were three video lectures, namely, STAR experiment in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, BESIII experiment in Beijing Electron Positron Collider and ATLAS experiment in the Large Hadron Collider.

      Prof. PENG Haiping was introducing to visitors the frontier of Particle Physics. /Image by LI Longke.

      Postdoctoral ZHANG Yunlong was introducing Dark Matter Laboratory. /Image by LI Longke.

      Volunteer GU Bingchuan was introducing the Nuclear Solids Laboratory. /Image by LI Longke.

      Volunteer ZHANG Zhiyong was introducing the Gas Detector Laboratory. /Image by LI Longke.

       was divided into Positron Technology and Nuclear Solid Physics, STAR TOF detector, BES TOF detector, Dark matter exploration in space, LAMOST Survey Telescope, the Daya Bay neutrino experiment, Marine petroleum exploration, BES electronics, ATLAS detector and others for display. Additionally, some laboratories were also opened to the public, such as Dark matter exploration in space, Positron Technology and Nuclear Solid Physics, Gas detectors and their applications, ect.

      Heated prize quiz zone. /Image by LI Longke.

      A kid was being guided by his mother to answer the interesting puzzle. /Image by LI Longke.

      As a newly-set program this year, prize quiz was immensely popular with visiting students. At this part, the visitors could not only enjoy the activity but also learn more about particle physics. With questions in the visit to laboratories, they could effectively achieved more.

      图片10 鹿明书记莅临现场1_s.jpg
      On-site inspection by Secretary LU Ming. /Image by LI Longke.

      On the morning of 18th, LU Ming, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of USTC, paid a visit to the scene. Prof. ZHAO Zhengguo from Department of Modern Physics made a ​​relevant presentation and raised the existing difficulties, inadequacy and corresponding recommendations for improvement combined with the Open Days in the University of Michigan and its laboratories. Secretary Lu communicated with the present teachers and students on the involved issues.

      图片11 部分志愿者和总负责人安琪老师合影_s.jpg
      Group photo of some volunteers and section chief AN Qi. /Image by LI Longke.

      During the Open Day, Department of Modern Physics have received a total of over one thousand visitors as well as nearly 200 units and organizations and spread lots of scientific knowledge to primary and secondary students as well as other community in the related domain.



      (ZHU Xiaocao, School of Physical Science)