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    • Elections Held for Student Union for the School of Physics

    • [2012-05-17]
    • The elections for the Student Union for the School of Physics were held on 13th May, 2012. After a series of speeches given by the candidates, a student body made up of students from both domestic and foreign student unions elected WANG Chenkun as the President of the Student Union and NIE Rong, ZHAO Shensen, CHEN Xi, FU Shenming and HUANG Yeiyei as the head of its five departments.

      Prizes for outstanding activities and devoted student union members were also given during the election. Coordinator for student activities, Zhang Ping, presented the prizes to the award winners. The outstanding activities are the Freshmen Welcome Party and the “Bachelors Strikes Back” (an organized movie watching activity). The list of Devoted Members consists NIE Rong, SUN Hailong, FENG Keyao ZHAO Shensen.It is a motivation for them as well as others to come up with more interesting and influential activities.

      Later the Former President of Student Union, Zhu Zijie, gave a thorough report regarding the activities and actions of the Physics Student Union for the past year. He said that it is not the work of a single generation of Union members that put the Physics Student Union where it is today and hope that the newly elected members would continue to work towards the better.

      The retire members especially made a video featuring everyone in the Student Union in the past year and shared some heart felt feeling with the audience. This could really show that this is not only and organization but also a family for everyone to grow and learn.

      The Student Union for the School of Physics is a relatively new organization. With only a history of three years, this is their first public election. Although they still have much to learn, but with this milestone, we have to say that they have made a very significant metamorphosis in its brief history and is definitely moving constantly towards the better.

      With the new Student Union Presidents and Chief of Departments in place, a new year has begun for the students activities in the School of Physics.


      (YAO Yuxi)