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    • The 13th National Conference on Intermediate and High Energy Nuclear Physics held in USTC

    • [2011-07-05]
    •      Nov 5, 2009, the 13th National Conference on Intermediate and High Energy Nuclear Physics & the 7th Seminar on Intermediate and High Energy Nuclear Physics was declared open in USTC. The secretary of Party Committee of USTC Xuwu and executive dean of school of physical sciences, USTC Liu Wandong attended the opening ceremony. Xuwu gave an opening speech in the ceremony. On behalf of USTC, Xu warmly welcomed the experts and scholars who came from all over the country to participate in this conference.

           In his speech, secretary Xu said the Intermediate and high energy nuclear physics is the important frontier of basic science. It explores the properties of strong interaction, one of the fundamental interactions in the nature. Currently there are many large research facilities both domestic and worldwide dedicated to the objectives Driven by these large experiments, intermediate and high energy nuclear physics has always been an active area in China. On the foundation laid by many committed physicists, increasing number of young people have also devoted to this career. Since the establishment of USTC particle and nuclear physics research group in 1970s, it has become an important national training base for talents, which has brought up a number of scientists and engineers in the field of nuclear and particle physics. He introduced the newly founded research center for particle physics, which is expected to integrate the strength of particle and nuclear physics in theory, experiment and engineering and cultivate talents more effectively. He thought this conference provides the best opportunity to learn from national experts, and wished the conference a complete success.

          There are over 100 attendees from 27 different research institutes including CAS institute of high energy physics, CAS shanghai institute of applied physics, graduate university of CAS, some domestic famous universities as well as China institute of atomic energy. This conference is co-sponsored by the school of physical sciences of USTC, CAS institute of high energy physics and China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST).