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    • STAR experts visit Center for Particle Physics and Technology

    • [2011-07-05]
    •   From August 1 to 4, 2010, senior staff scientist Nu Xu of the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and spokesperson for the STAR collaboration on the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Lab in the united states as well as Prof. Fuqiang Wang from Physics department of Purdue University were invited to visit Center for Particle Physics and Technology (CPPT) of USTC.


         Prof. Nu Xu and Fuqiang Wang delivered series lectures on "Frontier of Particle Physics - -Relativistic Heavy Ion Experiments". Prof. Xu made three reports titled “Recent and status of STAR experiment at RHIC”、“Properties of matter produced at RHIC and the quest about the QCD phase structure”、“RHIC future discussions”. He discussed the properties of the matter created in the heavy-ion collisions and the QCD phase transition in RHIC energies and prospected the future upgrade of the RHIC experiment. Prof. Wang made reports titled “Angular correlations to probe the heavy-ion medium” and “Multiplicity asymmetry correlations to search for local parity violation”,and he also introduced his latest research results and some useful methods.


         During their visit, we two sides hold a thorough discussion on STAR upgrade, physics, TOF calibration, new Muon Telescope Detector (MTD), Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT) as well as Joint training programme.