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    • Director of Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory visits USTC

    • [2011-07-05]
    •      June 19-21, 2010, invited by School of Physical Sciences,USTC and Key Laboratory of Basic Plasma Physics, CAS&USTC, Prof. Stewart Prager, director of Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory(PPPL), paid a short visit to our university.

          President Hou jianguo met with Prof. Prager on June 21, the two sides held a discussion on university development as well as the possibility of collaboration between two units. Executive dean Liu wandong of school of physical sciences introduced our scientific research and talents training. 


          During the visit , Prof. Prager gave a presentation on “The reversed field pinch:progress from fusion to astrophysics”. In his report, he talked about some major problems and progress about magnetic confined fusion and astrophysics in the research of reversed field pinch, and also put forward some constructive proposals to our plan for the construction of reversed field pinch experiment equipment.  

           Prof.Prager is a world renowned plasma physicist, and an internationally recognized leader in the field of fusion energy research. He is the director of the Madison Symmetric Torus laboratory at the University of Wisconsin and also the chair of APS Plasma Physics Branch.He was named director of PPPL In 2008.