Ding Dongsheng is a doctoral supervisor and professor at the University of Science and Technology of China, a distinguished researcher at the Hefei National Laboratory, the founder of Hefei Da Vinci Quantum Technology Co., Ltd., and the recipient of the Excellent Young Scholar Science Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2017. His research focuses on microwave electric field measurement based on Rydberg atoms, atomic radar based on Rydberg atoms, quantum simulation and quantum computation based on Rydberg atoms, and quantum storage based on cold atom systems. He has published numerous papers as the first or corresponding author in top international journals, including Nature Physics, Nature Photonics, Science Advances, Nature Communications, Physical Review X, Physical Review Letters, Light Science and Applications, Optica, and Science Bulletin. He has published over 70 articles in renowned journals such as Physical Review A, Optics Express, Optics Letters, and Applied Physics Letters, which has been widely cited in Science, Nature sub-journals, PRL, and other publications. His multiple innovative achievements have been selected in MIT Technology Review, Physics Org, Physics ViewPoint, Pro-physik.de, Nature Photonics, and Nature Physics' Research Highlights and News & Views.
Ding Dongsheng’s research group focuses on solving scientific problems in international cutting-edge technologies and national defense technologies, promoting the development of Rydberg atom systems in radar detection and quantum physics. The team aims to advance atomic technology to meet the major national strategic needs. Ding Dongsheng has led over ten research projects, including key projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, youth projects of the key R&D program, the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, joint fund key projects, youth projects, and major special projects of Anhui Province.
The group is always looking for postdoctoral researchers in quantum optics, atomic physics, and microwave photonics. For more details, see the recruitment information.
Educational Background
· 2010.9 - 2015.7: University of Science and Technology of ChinaMajor: OpticsDegree: Ph.DDoctoral Research: Quantum image storage based on atomic ensembles
· 2006.9 - 2010.7: Anhui Normal UniversityMajor: PhysicsDegree: Bachelor's degree
Work Experience
· 2018.4 - Present: Special Professor, School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of ChinaResearch Focus: Experimental research on quantum information of Rydberg atoms, including quantum simulation and microwave electric field sensing based on Rydberg atoms.
· 2015.8 - 2018.3: Associate Researcher, School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of ChinaResearch Focus: Multi-degree-of-freedom quantum storage based on cold atomic ensembles, aiming to realize a multi-degree-of-freedom quantum network.
· 2014.9 - 2015.7: Assistant Researcher, School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China
Research Focus
· Microwave electric field measurement based on Rydberg atoms
· Multi-degree-of-freedom quantum storage based on cold atomic ensembles
· Quantum simulation and quantum computation based on Rydberg atoms
· Quantum chemistry based on Rydberg atoms
Social Affiliations
· 2023.1 - Present: Guest Editor, EPJ Quantum Technology
· 2023.1 - Present: Member, 3rd Youth Editorial Board, Chinese Laser Press
· Editor, Youth Editorial Board, Acta Optica Sinica
· 2022.4 - Present: Review Editor, Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology
· 2020.1 - Present: Member, 1st Youth Working Committee, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy
Office Location: Office 809, Building C, Material Scientific Research Building, University of Science and Technology of China
Degree: Ph.D
Alma Mater: University of Science and Technology of China
Discipline: Physics