Liang Hao

Educational Background

1. September 1992 - July 1997: University of Science and Technology of China, Nuclear Physics, PhD

2. September 1988 - July 1992: University of Science and Technology of China, Nuclear Electronics, Bachelor's Degree

Research Areas

· Electronic Information

· Physical Electronics

· Nuclear Electronics

Work Experience

1. September 2009 - Present: Associate Professor, School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China

2. January 2004 - September 2009: Associate Professor, School of Science, University of Science and Technology of China

3. July 1997 - January 2004: Lecturer, School of Science, University of Science and Technology of China

Honors and Awards

1. First Prize for Science and Technology Progress (Ranked Third), Department of Science and Technology of Anhui Province, Project: Metropolitan Quantum Communication Networking Technology, 2018

2. National First Prize for Science and Technology (Group Award), Project: Major Upgrade Project of the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider, 2016

3. Third Prize for Science and Technology Progress (Ranked First), Department of Science and Technology of Anhui Province, Project: BESIII Muon Detector Prototype, 2005

Projects Led and Participated in

1. Major Project of Scientific and Technological Innovation 2030: Research on Key Technologies for Intercity High-Speed Quantum Communication and System Integration, November 1, 2021 - October 31, 2026, CNY 126.814 million, Ongoing, Participant

2. National Natural Science Foundation of China, International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Project, 11961141014, Phase 2 Upgrade of the ATLAS Detector, January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2024, CNY 33.5 million, Ongoing, Participant

3. Ministry of Science and Technology, National Key R&D Program, 2019YFA0210000, Research on New Methods for Multi-parameter Positron Spectroscopy Characterization of Nanostructures and Nanofilms in Momentum Space Spectroscopy, November 2019 - Present, CNY 4.65 million, Ongoing, Participant

4. China T-Wave Technology Co., Ltd., Development of an Ionization Chamber for Proton Therapy, January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2024, CNY 2 million, Ongoing, Principal Investigator

5. Major Upgrade Project of BEPCII, BESIII Muon Detector Readout Electronics System, November 1, 2004 - April 30, 2007, CNY 2.63 million, Completed, Principal Investigator

Papers, Publications and Achievements

(1) X.J Li; H Liang ; Design of Data Acquisition Software for 128-channel μSR Spectrometer Prototype, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022, 2253(1): 012036

(2) F.S. Deng; Hao Liang; M.Q. Zhuang; Y.G. Zhang; E.Q. Fu; Xiaojie Ni; Ziwen Pan; Bangjiao Ye; Jingyu Tang; Stephen P. Cottrell; D.E. Pooley ; Development of a data acquisition system for the μSR spectrometer prototype at the China Spallation Neutron Source, Journal of Instrumentation, 2019, 14(10): P10024

(3) F. S. Deng; H. Liang; Jingyu Tang; Bangjiao Ye ; Design of a 32-channel NIM TDC module based on single FPGA for the μSR spectrometer prototype at the China Spallation Neutron Source, Journal of Instrumentation, 2019, 14: T06002

(4) Xiunan Sun; Hao Liang ; Implementation of encoder and decoder for low-density parity-check codes in continuous-variable quantum key distribution on a field programmable gate array, Optical Engineering, 2023, 62(01): 014105

(5) Ge, J.J.; Cong, L.H.; Xue, Z.W.; Liang, H. ; A four-channel coincidence digital positron annihilation lifetime spectrometer, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2022, 1033: 166687

Affiliation: School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China

Office Phone: +86 551-63607447