Xu Jinshi

Xu Jinshi, male, born in 1982 in Fujian, is a Chair Professor and Doctoral Supervisor at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), as well as a recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. His research primarily focuses on experimental studies of quantum information and quantum physics based on optical and solid-state spin systems. He has published over 130 academic papers, with more than 3300 SCI citations and an H-index of 31. He has received numerous awards, including the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, the Wang Daheng Optics Award for Middle Aged and Young Scientists, the Second Prize of the National Natural Science Award, the Second Prize of the Anhui Provincial Teaching Achievement Award, and the Excellent Advisor Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He serves as the Secretary-General of the Quantum Optics Science and Technology Professional Committee of the Chinese Optical Society, an editorial board member of the journal Acta Optica Sinica, an editorial board member of Scientific Reports, and a youth editorial board member of Science China: Information Sciences.

He leads several major research projects, including the Ministry of Science and Technology's Key R&D Program for Youth, the Key Support Project of the Joint Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Key Support Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China's Major Research Plan.

Research Focus: His research group focuses on developing optical quantum simulation nodes for large-scale quantum information processing networks. They aim to simulate complex topological system properties and apply novel all-optical devices by constructing optical synthetic dimensions through degenerate optical cavities. Additionally, they are developing quantum interconnection technology for network nodes by building an optical-solid-state spin quantum interface based on silicon carbide color centers. Published papers can be found at

The research group has established close collaborations with international peers, including Professor Jorg Wrachtrup’s group at the University of Stuttgart, Professor Adam Gali’s group at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Professor Jiannis K. Pachos’s group at the University of Leeds, Professor Rosario Lo Franco’s group at the University of Palermo, and Professor Stefania Castelletto’s group at RMIT University in Australia.

We warmly welcome students passionate about frontier technology exploration to join our research group. We are constantly recruiting postdoctoral researchers in quantum optics and solid-state color centers. For more information, see our postdoctoral recruitment page.

Educational Background

· 09/2004 - 06/2009: Ph.D. in Optics, University of Science and Technology of China

· 09/2000 - 07/2004: Bachelor in Physics, Fujian Normal University

Work Experience

· 11/2016 - Present: Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

· 12/2013 - 10/2016: Specially Appointed Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

· 12/2011 - 11/2013: Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

· 07/2009 - 11/2011: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Science and Technology of China

Research Directions

· Optical quantum simulation

· Optical-solid-state spin quantum interface

· Fundamental issues in quantum information and quantum physics

Social Affiliations

· Secretary-General, Quantum Optics Science and Technology Professional Committee, Chinese Optical Society

· Editorial Board Member, Acta Optica Sinica

· Youth Editorial Board Member, Science China: Information Sciences

· Editorial Board Member, Scientific Reports