Zhang Zengming

Personal Profile

· 1997: Graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) with a Ph.D. degree.

· Professor Zhang’s main research focuses on the interaction processes of X-rays, electrons, and matter. He utilizes the Monte Carlo method to study the transport processes of probe particles within materials, examining the effects of surface morphology and surface structure on the intensity of outgoing signal electrons. He analyzes electron energy spectra to extract the electron energy loss function and optical constants of unknown bulk materials and thin films, enriching the database of material optical constants. By studying the yield of outgoing signal electrons, he aims to enhance the chemical analysis sensitivity of photoelectron microscopy (PEEM) to obtain chemical information images of materials, providing a new method for surface chemical analysis, which provides a theoretical foundation for the quantification of surface analysis and improves the accuracy of quantitative surface analysis.

Research Directions

· High-pressure physics

· Two-dimensional materials

Papers and Monographs

1) Inference of a Hot Ice Layer in Nitrogen-Rich Planets: Demixing the Phase Diagram and Phase Composition for Variable Concentration Helium-Nitrogen Mixtures Based on Isothermal Compression - Inference of a Hot Ice Layer in Nitrogen-Rich Planets: Demixing the Phase Diagram and Phase Composition for Variable Concentration Helium-Nitrogen Mixtures Based on Isothermal Compression - 2022

2) Pressure effects on the thermal decomposition of the LLM-105 crystal - Pressure effects on the thermal decomposition of the LLM-105 crystal - 2022

3) Pressure-Induced Indirect-Direct Bandgap Transition of CsPbBr3 Single Crystal and Its Effect on Photoluminescence Quantum Yield - Pressure-Induced Indirect-Direct Bandgap Transition of CsPbBr3 Single Crystal and Its Effect on Photoluminescence Quantum Yield - 2022

4) Initial decomposition step and bimolecular hydrogen transfer of 3 3 ’-diamino-4, 4 ’-azoxyfurazan under high pressure and high temperature - Initial decomposition step and bimolecular hydrogen transfer of 3 3 ’-diamino-4, 4 ’-azoxyfurazan under high pressure and high temperature - 2022

5) Critical behavior and phase diagram of layered ferromagnetic FeTa3S6 single crystals - Critical behavior and phase diagram of layered ferromagnetic FeTa3S6 single crystals - 2022

6) Structural Stability of γ-Boron under High Pressure up to 126 GPa with Fine Pressure Increments - Structural Stability of γ-Boron under High Pressure up to 126 GPa with Fine Pressure Increments - 2023

7) Application of EDTMPS as a novel calcite depressant in scheelite flotation - Application of EDTMPS as a novel calcite depressant in scheelite flotation - 2023

8) Isothermal structural evolution of CL-20/HMX cocrystals under slow roasting at 190 degrees C - Isothermal structural evolution of CL-20/HMX cocrystals under slow roasting at 190 degrees C - 2023

9) Structural evolution of CL-20/DNB cocrystals at high temperature: Phase transition and kinetics of thermal decomposition - Structural evolution of CL-20/DNB cocrystals at high temperature: Phase transition and kinetics of thermal decomposition - 2023

10) Molecular conformation evolutions of trans HNS under high pressure - Molecular conformation evolutions of trans HNS under high pressure - 2023

Affiliation: School of Physical Sciences

Address: Physics Experimental Teaching Center, Hefei, 230026, China

Phone: +86-551-63607671

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