Chen Jing


· December 25, 2018: Selected as a “Distinguished Expert” by the China Academy of Engineering Physics

· November 1, 2016: Recipient of the State Council Special Allowance

· October 30, 2015: Selected for the “National Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Thousand Talents Project”; awarded the title of “Young and Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contributions

Social Position

1. August 2019 - Present: Member of the Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Chinese Physical Society

Research Directions

· Ultrafast Strong Laser Field Dynamics of Atoms and Molecules

· Atomic and Molecular Collision Theory

Papers and Monographs

1) Quantum dynamics of atomic Rydberg excitation in strong laser fields - Quantum dynamics of atomic Rydberg excitation in strong laser fields - 2019

2) Unified perspective of Rydberg-state excitation and low-energy above-threshold ionization by a femtosecond laser pulse - Unified perspective of Rydberg-state excitation and low-energy above-threshold ionization by a femtosecond laser pulse - 2021

3) Channel Coupling Dynamics of Deep-lying Orbitals in Molecular High-Harmonic Generation - Channel Coupling Dynamics of Deep-lying Orbitals in Molecular High-Harmonic Generation - 2022

Office Address: Room A705, Material Science Research Building

Alma Mater: China Academy of Engineering Physics

Department: School of Physical Sciences