Zhang Yunlong

Research Directions

Particle Detection Technology and Applications, Non-Accelerator Experimental Physics

Project List

· DAMPE (Dark Matter Particle Explorer) Satellite Experiment

· New Detector Development for the Circular Electron-Positron Collider (CEPC)

· New Detector Development for the Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF)

Educational Background

· 09/2006 - 11/2011: Ph.D. in Science, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

· 09/2002 - 06/2006: Bachelor's degree in Science, Anhui University

Work Experience

· 11/2020 - Present: Specially Appointed Professor, USTC

· 04/2017 - 10/2020: Associate Researcher, USTC

· 04/2014 - 03/2017: Specially Appointed Associate Researcher, USTC

· 12/2011 - 03/2014: Postdoctoral Researcher, USTC

Research Directions

1. Cosmic Ray Physics: Participated in the DAMPE project, serving as a member of the Executive Committee. Specifically responsible for the in-orbit calibration and energy reconstruction of the BGO calorimeter. Conduct analyses of high-energy electrons and nuclei in space and search for new physics using DAMPE data.

2. Accelerator Physics:

Participated in the first and second phases of the national key research project for the CEPC, as a key member, specifically responsible for the technical pre-research of the CEPC electromagnetic calorimeter and hadron calorimeter.

Participated in the pre-research experiment of the high-luminosity electron-positron collider, specifically responsible for the technical pre-research of the electromagnetic calorimeter.

Representative Publications

1)Ambrosi G; Q.An et al.. Direct detection of a break in the teraelectronvolt cosmic-ray spectrum of electrons and positrons, Nature, 2017.11.30, 552(7863): 63~66

2)Zhang Yun-Long, Wang Xiao-Lian, Xu Zi-Zong, Evaluation of particleacceptance for space particle telescope, Chinese Physics C, 2011.8.01, 35(8): 774~777

3)Zhang Yun-Long, Li Bing, Feng Chang-Qing, Li Xian-Li, Wang Xiao-Lian, Xu Zi-Zong, Guo Jian-Hua, Cai Ming-Sheng, Hu Yi-Ming, Wu Jian, Chang Jin, A high dynamic range readout unit for a calorimeter, Chinese Physics C, 2012.1.01, 36(1):71~73

4)Zhiyong Zhang, Chi Wang, Jianing Dong, Yifeng Wei, Sicheng Wen, Yunlong Zhang, Zhiying Li, et al.., The calibration and electron energy reconstruction of the BGO ECAL of the DAMPE detector, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2016.11.11, 836:98~104

5)Zhiyong Zhang, Jianing Dong, Sicheng Wen, Changqing, Yunlong Zhang et al.. Design of a high dynamic range photomultiplier base board for the BGO ECAL of DAMPE, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2015.4.21, 780:21~26

Phone: +86-551-63600973