Yang Hongtao

Educational Background

· 2006 - 2010: Bachelor's, Peking University

· 2010 - 2016: Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison

Work Experience

· 2016 - 2022: Chamberlain Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

· 2022 - Present: Specially Appointed Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

Research Experience and Interests

Since 2010, I have been working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), contributing to the discovery of the Higgs boson and subsequently focusing on its property measurements. I have held several positions, including the coordinator for the combined measurements of the Higgs boson properties in the ATLAS experiment (2017-2019). Currently, I am the coordinator for the Higgs boson to diphoton channel working group in ATLAS (since 2021) and the ATLAS representative in the cross-section subgroup of the LHC Higgs Working Group (since 2020). Additionally, I have been involved in the operation and upgrade of the ATLAS silicon pixel detector, previously serving as the run manager. I played a significant role in testing the RD53 front-end pixel readout chip for the high-luminosity LHC upgrade.

At USTC, I plan to continue measuring the properties of the Higgs boson, participate in the upgrade of the ATLAS silicon pixel detector during the high-luminosity LHC run, and develop silicon pixel detectors for future experiments. These areas will provide excellent development platforms for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postdoctoral researchers, and offer opportunities for collaboration and exchange with international institutions, such as the University of California, Berkeley, and Berkeley National Laboratory. Interested students are welcome to contact me.

Phone: +86-551-63601591

Research Direction: Experimental Physics with Accelerators

Project List: CERN ATLAS Experiment