Peng Haiping

Personal Profile

· 1999: Graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

· 06/2004: Obtained a Ph.D. in Science from the Department of Modern Physics, USTC

· 2004 - 2005: Worked as a Visiting Scholar at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

· 2005 - 2007: Served as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) in Germany

· 2007 - 2011: Worked as a Research Associate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

His research focuses on high-energy physics data analysis, software development, and the development of new detectors. He participated in the data analysis of BESII and the R&D of the BESIII detector. Using 56M J/ψ data, he systematically studied the production mechanism of pseudo-scalar mesons near the VV mass threshold through the J/ψ→γVV process. 

He discovered a new particle X(1812) through the J/ψ→γωφ process, which could be a hybrid state or a four-quark state, sparking widespread discussion in the theoretical community.

During his time at DESY, he participated in the data analysis of H1 and the development of online/offline data monitoring software, studying the production mechanism of charm quarks using ep data.

While at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, he participated in the ATLAS experiment, focusing on high-energy JET energy calibration and simulation research, as well as the search for new physics and exotic states. As a major contributor, he participated in the data analysis of DiJet events to search for high-energy resonance particles and published the first paper of the ATLAS exotic group.

He returned to China in May 2011 to participate in the ATLAS, BESIII, and Daya Bay Phase II experiments. In the ATLAS experiment, he is engaged in the search for Higgs, new physics beyond the Standard Model, and the upgrade of the ATLAS detector. He is the leader of USTC’s participation in the BESIII experiment, where he is responsible for the analysis of light hadron spectroscopy, and is in charge of USTC’s involvement in the Daya Bay Phase II neutrino experiment, participating in the physical analysis and the simulation and construction of the detector.

Research Directions

· Particle Physics Experiments

· Non-accelerator Particle Physics Experiments

Papers and Monographs

1) First Measurement of Polarizations in the Decay D0 → ωφ - First Measurement of Polarizations in the Decay D0 → ωφ - 2022

2) Precision Measurement of the Decay Σ+ → pγ in the Process J=ψ → Σ+Σ¯ - Precision Measurement of the Decay Σ+ → pγ in the Process J=ψ → Σ+Σ¯ - 2023

3) Measurement of the Absolute Branching Fraction and Decay Asymmetry of Λ → nγ - Measurement of the Absolute Branching Fraction and Decay Asymmetry of Λ → nγ - 2022

4) Observation of the Singly Cabibbo Suppressed Decay Λ+ c → nπ + - Observation of the Singly Cabibbo Suppressed Decay Λ+ c → nπ + - 2022

5) Observation of a Resonant Structure in e + e − → K+K− π0π0 - Observation of a Resonant Structure in e + e − → K+K− π0π0 - 2020

Affiliation: School of Physical Sciences

Address: Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, China

Phone: +86-551-3600257

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