I am mainly engaged in research related to the direct detection of dark matter. Dark matter is currently one of the most cutting-edge research topics. Its gravitational effects have been observed at various spatial and temporal scales in the universe, but its nature remains unknown. The most likely explanation is that dark matter is a particle beyond the Standard Model, and many particle physics theories predict corresponding beyond-Standard Model particles as dark matter candidates. I have been searching for potential weak interactions between dark matter particles from the cosmos and ordinary matter utilizing deep underground, ultra-low background, large-volume, high-sensitivity detectors. I have been part of the European and American dark matter direct detection collaboration XENON and China's first liquid xenon dark matter detection experiment, PandaX, where I served as the overall coordinator for the XENON physics analysis group. I am currently a member of the third-generation 4-ton dark matter detection experiment PandaX-4T. Additionally, I am a collaborator in the South China Sea Neutrino Telescope project and lead the USTC deep space magnetic monopole/axion detection project
Research Directions
· Dark matter and neutrino research
· Deep space magnetic monopole/axion detection
Admissions Information
Recommended Knowledge Background (any one of the following):
· Proficient in C++ or Python programming
· Statistical analysis
· Electronics
· Finite element simulation
Papers and Monographs
1) Proposal of a Geiger-geometry single-phase liquid xenon Time Projection Chamber as potential detector technique for dark matter direct search - Proposal of a Geiger-geometry single-phase liquid xenon Time Projection Chamber as potential detector technique for dark matter direct search - 2021
2) Dark Matter Search Results from the PandaX-4T Commissioning Run - Dark Matter Search Results from the PandaX-4T Commissioning Run - 2021
3) Search for Light Dark Matter with Ionization Signals in the PandaX-4T Experiment - Search for Light Dark Matter with Ionization Signals in the PandaX-4T Experiment - 2023
4) Search for Solar 8 B Neutrinos in the PandaX-4T Experiment Using Neutrino-Nucleus Coherent Scattering - Search for Solar 8 B Neutrinos in the PandaX-4T Experiment Using Neutrino-Nucleus Coherent Scattering - 2023
Affiliation: School of Physical Sciences
Address: Room 509-2, Building A, Material Science Research Building, 96 Jinzhai Road, Hefei, 230026, China
Phone: +86-551-63607277
Personal Homepage: http://dslx.ustc.edu.cn/?menu=expert_paper&expertid=101412