Huang Minxin


Release time:2024-12-10Browse times:10


1995.9–2000.7: Bachelor’s Degree, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

2000.9–2004.7: Ph.D., Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University

2004.9–2007.8: Postdoctoral Researcher, Harvard University

2007.9–2009.8: Postdoctoral Researcher, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)

2009.9–2012.8: Postdoctoral Researcher, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo

2012.9–Present: Professor, USTC

Main Research Areas

Applications of string theory, string cosmology, topology, and Calabi-Yau geometry.

Recent Research Interests

Relationships between topology, quantum mechanics, string theory, and integrable systems in mathematical physics.

Research Field: String Theory, Mathematical Physics

Contact Phone: 0551-63607317

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